Breathe In Love, Breath Out Love

Here’s a meditation you can do anytime. Imagine receiving love and feeling being loved/appreciated with each in-breath and sending love and appreciation to others or the world in general with each exhalation. That on its own is great for an extended time; then there can be variations: “Breathe in Light, Breathe out Light”, “Breathe in Joy, Breathe out Joy”, “Breathe in Peace, Breathe out Peace”. It acknowledges these great feelings/gifts being there to breathe in, and gives you the opportunity to enhance the world with more as you exhale.


Imagine the most beautiful loving, healing and enlightening light bursting from your heart chakra like a flood lamp so bright that all Earth and space is glowing and radiant like trillions of jeweled facets. Hold that vision/feeling/thought for a moment. Do it again before sleep. Know that all creation is feeling it and benefitting.

Know that the result is our individual and collective understanding of our creative ability and our positive affect on All That Is by intentionally imagining a positive result to each moment and situation in our life. Know that you and your creation are flexible, clear, growing and unbounded.

Meditation of the Day: Introduction

Origin: 5/22/18
Let’s create a means of magnifying thought power for good.

The concept is simple: increase the number of people focusing on a positive world-enhancing concept, such as Peace or Unconditional Love.

If we build it, they will come.

So the function of this creation is to unite minds in a common focus, to increase consciousness in that area. So the thought came: Create a "Meditation of the Day" page. And realizing that this is appropriate for The Meeting Point, I have created 7 posts, named "Sunday" through "Saturday", a focus for each day of the week to grow and enhance human consciousness in a particular area. We are joined by our guides and other like minded souls resonating with our purpose. We acknowledge and appreciate their participation and energy added to this work.